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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Character Mood Board #20 Gina Everest

Gina is the character the reader follows in the very last chapter of my in-progress fantasy/slice of life novel. She's also the last of the three caretakers of the Girl House.

Since we already have the carer Laura, and the teacher Lianne, we need a harder, more disciplinary presence. That's where Gina comes in, with her fast words and tendency to just drag the girls if they are being difficult.

But despite that, like most seemingly harsh and hardened people, there is a small part on the inside which can't help but soften and care, thinking of her charges. Why else would she go down in a dark house to cleanse it with sage, and be faced with drowned ghosts outside the window?

She is the sharper tool needed between the three of them, so the house won't turn into a complete mess of chaos. So, I can find it within myself to like and respect her. Hopefully, all of you will too!

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Goodbye, lovelies!

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