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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Character Mood board #4 Fanny Dominic

Fanny is the character the reader follows in the fourth chapter, and (shockingly!) is one of the eldest girls being fostered at the Girl House.

Although, most people would probably assume she is one of the youngest just by behaviour alone, never mind her tall, slender appearance. Forget pondering over budgets and re-making clothes for the younger girls. Pushing her sisters off of couches and playing hand-clapping games with them afterwards is where it's at!

Nevertheless, amongst the more serious people living in the Girl House, Fanny is like candy after a flavour-less meal. Especially amidst the cold and dark around Midwinter, some levity is most definitely welcome!

I have a lot of fun writing her. It brings out my more mischievous side, which I get to inflict especially on the younger girls of the Girl House when Fanny decides to be a bully.

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