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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Character Mood Board #6 Cherry Sheffield

Cherry is the character the reader follows in the sixth chapter, and one of the middle sisters in the Girl House.

I get a sense of calm whenever I write her. She is young, but already quite happy with who she is and where her life is going, even if she still needs a little push to achieve her full potential. However, she only just started the training for her personal magic and explore her boundaries with it, so there is still plenty of time.

I imagine her as a new, fragile-looking flower at the beginning of spring, which has been hibernating under the snow, before emerging. At the same time, the roots of that flower have been growing under the earth, stronger and sturdier than first meets the eye.

She was a nice character to write, taking a break from the more chaotic forces in the house and the environment around town, before plunging into that nest again. But with the spotlight on her, for a short while, Cherry could give some levity for that.

Goodbye, lovelies!

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