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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Character Mood Board #8 Sophie Marshall

Sophie is the character the reader follows in the eighth chapter, and one of the older girls of the house, who is just really tired of all the noise her little sisters make.

I like to imagine her as a grumpy, little wolf cub who is constantly being bumped in the head by her playful siblings. However, when something needs to be done, whether it be decorating the Yule tree, or getting her sisters off the cart before frost goblins can get to them, she stands up from her little den and gets to work, albeit with a long sigh.

A house full of young girls and house pixies running around is not a compatible environment for everyone, especially when someone just wants to lay on a couch with a book and a warm cup of tea. Yet, the warmth of the home can quickly override any feeling of irritation.

Sophie may seem like a grumpy, little wolf, but her heart is nonetheless a big, affectionate, mushy mess. (Don't tell her I said that.)

Goodbye, lovelies!

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