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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Creature Writing #12 Yuki-Onna

Hello lovelies!

A bit of a change of scenery, but this dangerous lady definitely warrants it. The Yuki-Onna is a winter creature from Japan, appearing in snow storms to lost men, and lures them further away from civilisation, and to their death.

This formula is a fairly familiar one, but with the more specific scenery and the fairly indirect nature of this creature's actions, it is still valid to take a look at.

So, let's do that!

General Description:

The Yuki-Onna is described as a beautiful woman with pale skin and long, black hair. She also wears white robes and has a soft, weak voice.

Honesty, from this description alone, the victims should've known something was up, since this is also what a lot of funerary appearances, as well as ghosts, are described.


Warning of nature:

Considering this creature appears during blizzards and extreme cold, luring people away from civilisation, it's an easy assumption for her to be an embodiment of hypothermia and falling victim to nature. On top of that, she mostly appears to those already too exhausted to resist mentally, so the victims being taken by delusions of salvation is an even greater possibility.

She herself also wears the attire appropriate for a ghost or a funeral. This either because she is tied to winter and snow, and white makes more sense, and/or because she is related to death. In either case, you can easily use her looks as a way to tie her to the demise she brings to others.

As a warning of nature, she will not have a very direct role in luring people to their deaths. She will just have to exist. So, if you choose this angle, she will most likely not approach her victims head on, but stand a distance away, letting them come to her. The action will be on the exhausted human's part.

Warning of :

The Yuki-Onno is described as a beautiful woman, and the victims are mostly men. That alone should be enough. Especially since the men are exhausted, both physically and mentally, their inhibitions and desires will be much less controlled. They are in pain and wnat comfort, they see a beautiful woman. It's not strange to think they would follow her.

In this case, the Yuki-Onna can be used as a warning to always check your impulses, even in the most difficult of circumstances. The men still had the option of salvation and found their group or village back, but because they gave in, they condemns themselves to death.

In this case, the amount of direct action she can have in the deaths can fluctuate. You can simply have her stand at a distance and have the men come to her, or have her approach them with the appearance of wanting to 'help' them, before leading them away. Either interpretations could work for the intention in this case.

I hope this post both gave you some inspiration, and maybe even encouraged some of you to look further into Japanese folklore.

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Goodbye lovelies!

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