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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Creature Writing # 13 Mother of Monsters

This Sundag was Mother's Day lovelies!

Now this may not be the typical mother figure people may be used to, or maybe it is. However, in any case, this creature is more than a mother, they are a figure of creation, destruction, and the birth of all we have to fight in this world.

While this may not be a very flattering picture for motherhood, it is indisputable that the Mother of Monsters helped make this world as it is. So, for that alone, she deserves a place in our memory.

General Description:

There really isn't a single description for this creature. Sometimes they aren't even female. They are a creator first and foremost.

However, throughout mythology and folklore, the motif of snakes seems to return. Whether part of them is serpentine, or they simply have an association to it, snakes seem to make a come-back. This is most likely due to a similar duality the creature has. They are a symbol of creation and transformation, yet carry with them a legacy of monsters and danger.

So, if you want to either use or create a Mother of Monsters, snakes are an easy bet!


-Creator and Earth:

Within mythology and folklore, the monsters born from the Mother are more than not associated with the dangers of nature, such as earthquakes, whirlpools, and even death. So, not only is this creature a creator, they directly contributed to how our world has been constructed.

So, if you want to use this angle for a Mother of Monsters, them as a primal concept within world building could work very well. Whether this means they directly contribute to the story or stay a figure in the shadows, only mentioned as the originator of the monsters will depend on your story and what trials you want your characters to go through.

If you want them to feature directly, and not just be the thing that ties the other monsters in the story together, be midnful that this will be a creature of unimaginable power, and so shouldn't be treated lightly. If they created all the monsters, and were responsible for the release of the destructive forces of nature, there is most definitely a reason for that. So, be careful to not dissapoint the audience when it comes to revealing them.

-Bringer of Chaos:

The Mother of Monsters may be a primal entity when it comes to worldbuilding, but that doesn't take away that they are a mother of, well, monsters, and those monsters are most likely responsible for a lot of chaos and destruction, in whatever way that may be. This does have some degree of flexibility, however, considering it's the monsters who usually perform the disruptive acts, and how involved their mother truly is, is debateable.

If the Mother isn't involved, they may well be either a victim of their children as well, or simply be an entity too old and too isolated to really know or care what is happening. Even if they do know, that's no guarantee they will view their children's actions as wrong, as they could very well have a completely different sense of morality to humans. And if they are a victim, either killed, harmed, or imprisoned by their children, they may be unfairly accused of being a malevolent entity themselves.

However, you can go full on malevolent easily, should the Mother of Monsters have full understanding of what is happening and even have them actively encourage it. Not only does this give you a clear source of where all the trials your characters will face,, but it also allows provide an easy 'boss fight'. After all, what better final battle than the literal creator of all monsters?

These two suggestions are on the assumption that the Mother of Monsters will be a character directly involved into the story. If they aren't, then the aspect of 'Creator and Earth' most likely works better, since that makes them a more distant character, while still being mentionable.

Once again, happy belated Mother's Day to everyone! I hope this post wasn't too much of a whiplash and that it helped some of you to create your own Mother of Monsters.

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Goodbye, lovelies!

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