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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Quick Method for House Protection

Hello lovelies!

Protective magic is probably one of the first things you learn as a witch, and one of the most important ones as well. However, it's easy to get lost in the 'aesthetic' and get overwhelmed, thinking you need all sorts of tools and fancy herbs to even have a chance of your magic succeeding.

But nope!

There is a pretty easy method you can use to get some good old protective energy in your home! All you need is a small pot, water and any protective herb, preferably rosemary. Luckily most people have these herbs in their kitchen or they will be easy to get at any supermarket.

Anyway! Just fill the pot with water till about half-way, drench that water with the herb, and bring it to a boil. When the pot is getting nice and steamy, take it off the stove and (very carefully!) walk around the space you want to protect with it. The steam will be infused with the herbs and this way, the protective energy can easily fill the air. Obviously you can use more than one herb as well.

Also! This is a great method if you don't like smoke, incense, or have someone with asthma in your house.

Examples of herbs to use with their related elements: (you can use the tea versions of these herbs as well)

Fire: Water: Earth: Air:

-Basil -Chamomile -Cumin -Fennel Seed

-Bay Leaf -Valerian -Mint

-Black Pepper -Oregano

-Cinnamon -Sage






Hope this helped and happy house protection!

Goodbye lovelies!

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