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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Tree Symbolism #2 Wingnut

Hello lovelies!

This tree is specifically known for being a very long-living, fast-growing tree, able to give off very strong wood. It’s tall, with many nut growing branches, allowing humans to not only sustain themselves on its fruits, but also sit under its protective, thick canopy.

This can be traced back to the family of trees it belongs to, the ‘Juglans’, a reference to the god Jupiter, a deity whose influence partially rules over the abundance of life, so the strength of the tree can be attributed to this association.

This shows this tree’s symbolism of safety and wealth, as not only does the tree carry the blessing of a deity of power and rulership, but its vast canopy offers a great amount of shade and shelter, and the nuts coming from the tree offer nutrients and abundance.

Furthermore, since this tree is so sturdy and long-living, carrying the blessing of a deity like Jupiter, it also holds the symbolism of longevity and health, which can once again be attributed to the strength of the wood and the nutrients of the nuts.

However, these attributes of the tree don’t just involve wealth and security, but with the thick canopy shelter and the fertility associated with the nuts also hold the meaning for reunion and faithful love.

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