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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Weapon Writing #2 Staff

Hello, lovelies!

I will probably never get over how underrated the staff is as a weapon. Maybe it's because it looks so simple, or because it has no sharp edge or point, but for some reason, it's not achieved the mythical status swords or even spears have over the centuries. Maybe it reminds people too much of a supporting tool and not of a lethal weapon.

Either way, it's honestly such a waste, and in this post, I'm going to talk about how staffs can be used in writing. This beautiful piece, which looks so simple, but is actually one of the best weapons ever, in my opinion, needs to have more representation.

So, here we go!


Staffs are typically made of wood or bamboo, which is because of a couple of reasons. The first and foremost of those reasons is that these materials are very easy to find and need a lot less work to create a staff with than, for example, metal.

On top of that, wood and bamboo are a light, flexible material, and while this does depend on the type of wood you use, this makes staffs easy to carry around, while remaining sturdy during a fight. Its flexibility also adds to less chance of breaking, and hitting the targets at a faster speed.

Then there's the maintenance. Since wood can splinter, regular smoothing down of the staff is useful, as well as keeping it as dry as possible. However, if your staff is made of bamboo, you will have one of the least amount of maintenance for a weapon ever, basically none, because bamboo is insane.


Because if its simplicity, the staff is one of the most versatile weapons a character can use. While it may not be directly lethal in the way a sword can be, the blunt force in different marks on the body can do a great amount of damage, both external and internal.

One does need a good coordination. The lightness and simplicity of a staff can be elusive enough that one may not notice hitting themselves while using it, especially when, with the right strength behind it, you could easily shatter someone's knee caps.

A character can choose to use both hands, one hand, or switch between the two easily. Even if some staffs have handles, they will typically not be modified to a single hand.

This is because a staff is meant to be used as fluidly and creatively as possible, and its simplicity is what allows for this.

Character Types:

Because the staff isn't as directly lethal as other weapons, it can easily be used by a character who is a pacifist or has other reasons to not just kill people with their weapon.

It also suits a character from a poorer background, since staffs are easier to create and are made out of cheaper material. However, this could also mean their background is one which intentionally shuns riches or material pleasure.

However, it's creative use can easily suggest a versatile, flexible, independent personality as well. Techniques typically have to be a lot more studied and rigid with other weapons, whereas a staff can be a lot more personalized.

I hope this has ignited some new enthusiasm for the staff, and that we'll see more characters wielding it in the future.

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Goodbye, lovelies!

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