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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Weapon Writing #5 Bow and Arrow

Hello lovelies!

The one. The only. The weapon associated with elegance and grace, with robbers and outlaws. The bow and arrow! Now, there are a lot of different types of bows, not the least of which being the crossbow (which won't be featured here). This is partially why this weapon is so popular, since variety brings possibility, but we obviously can't forget all the associations to elves and Robin Hood.

So, let's look at this iconic weapon!


Bows can be made out of a variety of wood and string, provided they are capable of some flexibility, as well as rigidity. If a bow bends too much, it won't be able to get back in its original position. If a bow is too rigid, it won't be able to bend at all. The size of the bow will be determined by the way the wood it's made of moves and responds to pulling the arrow.

Arrow length is also important. If the arrow is too short or too long for the bow the archer is operating, the two items won't be properly balanced, which can cause a number of problems. The archer may get backlash from the arrow, the arrow can bend in a different direction, or it may not even fly at all.

On top of that, the shape of the quills at the end determine how streamlined the arrow's flight is, with the colours often indicating who the arrow belongs to, whether it's a group or an individual.

Bows and arrows are often carried on the back, in a quiver, closed so the elements can't ruin them. This means it will take a while for the archer to take the weapon out and get into position to use it. This makes sense, since using a bow and arrow is a ranged attack, and it takes time to get the target in sight. On the other hand, the target may be moving fast, so the archer will still have to be able to move fast in taking the bow and arrow out of the quiver,

Character Types:

Characters with ranged weapons, especially solo weapons, are typically precise and know how to hide and disguise themselves well. So, having a character who is trained in survival and stealth, either for self-preservation or for their occupation, works well with the bow and arrow.

Going further, the bow and arrow is definitely the survivor's and hunter's weapon. So, a character who is independent and self-sufficient is a perfect candidate for this weapon, whether they are actually a hunter or not.

However, the bow and arrow is also considered a weapon of elegance and high class, so having a character of good and elite origin would possibly be trained in this weapon as well. Although, in this case, it would be more about form and grace, rather than

Let's face it, this weapon was already getting plenty of lovin', but no series on the use of weapons in storytelling would be complete without it. Hopefully, I did it some justice!

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Goodbye, lovelies!

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