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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Weapon Writing #6 Spear

Hello lovelies!

While one of the most often used weapons in the history of warfare, it seems that this is once again a weapon relegated to the background by the shining history of the sword. Yet, in terms of combat, the spear has a long, dedicated tale of its own, from foot soldiers on the front line, to full on deities.

So, while this is once again a weapon which isn't used as much as others, I still believe it deserves a post of its own, and maybe we'll see more of it.!


There is actually very little to say for the material of the spear, apart from wood, cord and iron for the point. However, the way these items are presented and what quality they have can be integral to both the character and what the weapon represents.

The wood needs to be sturdy and flexible enough that it can stab someone straight on, but also be able to take a punch, since you don't want to have it break in the character's face. This is even more true for someone who uses the weapon as a hunting tool, considering the environment in that case can be fairly harsh, and the weapon needs to survive that.

On top of that, it's not uncommon for spears to have engravings, paint figures, and other forms of decoration to display who they belong to or how wealthy the owner is.

Another way to personalize the spear, or to who alliegance to a certain faction, is the collar of the cord at the base of the point, which often shows military alliance. By contrast, the point of the spear is left the same in most incarnation, since any kind of beautification would make it impractical. The only reason there would be any kind of extra addition would most likely make it a ceremonial piece.

Character Types:

First and foremost, based on the more ancient Western civilisation, the spear was very much associated with heroes and athletes. Being able to use a spear showed proficiency in strength, both in body and in mind, which is why many legendary heroes are depicted with a spear, and why it appeared in the original Greek Olympics. So, if your character fits into the category of a 'hero', or someone who aspires to be one, giving them a spear will give them that extra touch they need to be considered a valiant opponent and defender.

Going a little more practical, however, the spear is also the 'hunter's weapon' for as long as humanity has existed. Just go to any pre-historic siting, or look at any common items most civilisations used to provide food with. The spear is a much more integral part of day-to-day life than, for example, a bow and arrow. Meaning, if your character is a hunter, or is otherwise involved in having to hunt for survival, giving them a spear is both practical and more accurate to what would more likely be used in that situation.

Still, the spear was actively used in war as well, since it's both effective in close combat, as well as ranged combat. So, having a soldier use a spear as well makes more than sense. Whether this is because they are part of a unit, or it's a part of their own identity depends on their position in the story. However, if they are part of a unit, the use of the spear will be group effort as well, resulting in a much more routine usage, as opposed to a solo soldier, who has more freedom of movement.

So, there it is! One of the most prolific weapons we've had as humans. Hopefully this was fun and we'll see more of this beautiful weapon!

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