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  • Writer's pictureTessa Divendal

Weapon Writing #7 Throwing Knives

Hello, lovelies!

So, throwing knives are a very aesthetically pleasing weapon, not necessarily because of how they look, but more in how they make the characters look. Much like with the needles, it's an easy way to show the dexterity and talent your character possesses, as well as being an incredibly lethal weapon on its own.

That being said, they are still too often confused with daggers, which isn't the same weapon at all, despite looking similar. So, I thought it apprropriate to make a seperate post dedicated to this particular flavour of smaller blades.



Despite them having a similar built to the dagger, and essentially made from the same materials, the shape and size of a throwing knife makes all the difference. On top of that, throwing knives don't carry the same legacy as daggers do, nor the same prestige.

The shape of a throwing knife is smooth and streamlined, as opposed to the dagger's cross shape, because it needs as little air resistance as possible when used by the owner. This is also why the blade has such a curve to it, so that it can literally curve through the air, and give the thrower a higher chance at accuracy.

Typically, throwing knives will not have in terms of decoration because of this reason as well. Both the blade and the handle can't afford to have bumps or extra weight on them, since that will throw off any sort of direction it can have. The most a throwing knife will most likely have in terms of personalisation is an inscription, since those don't drastically alter the shape, or add any difference in weight.

Character Types:

While the first thought of someone using throwing knives might be an assassin, there is another character type which would fit the possession of these weapons, a performer. Throwing knives are often used in circus acts, so if you have a character with a similar background, giving them this type of weapon, along with a creative, flexible fighting style, could fit very well.

On the other hand, the assassin still seems to be quite the favourite, and it's not hard to see why. Throwing knives are ranged weapons, meaning someone doesn't need to get close in order to end their target, while also being fairly easy to hide. Should you choose this, you should know the throwing knives will have to be even less recogniseable, because if someone finds them on a body, they really shouldn't be able to trace it back to your character, unless they are stupid.

I hope this one was enjoyable for you all! I certainly like this weapon a lot, so talking about it was fun, and I hope seeing more of it! Go forth!

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Goodbye, lovelies

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